Thursday 16 October 2014

Looking Up - Two Down

Both are finished. I am feeling great. These are the first pictures I've produced in such a long time. Nothing forced, nothing false, just a genuine moment that then grew (sound familiar?).

I hate sharing work. It's like the most intimate thing I can ever share with anyone. Which probably makes little sense to most folk.
Hate is the wrong word. I'm apprehensive, scared, no; absolutely terrified.
Not because I need approval. I don't care if nobody gets it, in fact I think I would prefer that!
I'm scared because of how much I've shared and where it all came from.

Positive experiences are harder to share because I have more to lose. In the past negativity was the driving force and I had everything to gain by getting it out and sharing it. It was cathartic.

It almost feels wrong to share these. They came from very private moments. Am I  now sharing someone else's private moments with me? Do I have the right to do that just because I made a picture about it?

It's not literal. Does that make it okay though?

Tuesday 7 October 2014

A Leopard Can't Change Its Spots

But a tiger can emerge with stripes!!
Funny how things develop.
The initial browns and beige of the duvet morphed into bold tiger coloured stripes. 
It's the fun side of that particular spot!
This painting has totally taken on a life of it's own, and I'm happy with that, it's close to being complete.

The ceiling in contrast, feels like it iis not quite sure where it wants to go. 
What is it that I'm painting? The ceiling and the corner..... how crazy does that sound? :)

It's a start

Two paintings in progress, two paper bowls from a bygone era ready for their new lease of life and the tree is talking to me again. 


As one life came to an end, another began.
27th July 2014, saw the bright dawn of a new era emerge slowly over the course of  the day, the suddenly become overwhelming.

It's been a learning curve in the weeks since. Learning to be happy again.
Obviously I've had a massive helping hand with this, but a lot of it has been down to trusting myself and being patient.

Finally, 2.30am Sunday 5th October, 10 weeks on, the last thing just dropped into place. Lying in the darkness, the muted grays, the shadows and sliver of orange streetlights,  listening and feeling the warmth emanate from everywhere;  the creative block just lifted.

I knew it would come.